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2.7 Custom-built Course (Oregon)
Updated over 2 months ago

We believe students are not standard, so we offer the Custom-built course option to give you the flexibility to create personalized courses for your child.

Watch the one-minute video: What is a Custom-built Course

Common examples include:

  • Secular (non-religious) curriculum materials

  • Textbooks, workbooks, literature books, science lab equipment, math manipulatives, etc.

  • Online educational subscriptions

  • Museum memberships

  • Instruction, group lessons, and/or private tutoring (by a non-family member)

The parent pays for approved learning resources and can be reimbursed up to $250 per period.

Custom-built course criteria:

  • Resources used directly relate to the subject on the schedule.

  • Resources need to be purchased between April 1 and March 31 of the applicable school year.

  • Tutoring, lessons, classes, and field trips must take place between August 1 and May 31 of the current school year.

How to add a Custom-built course to a schedule:

When adding a Custom-built course to your child’s schedule, a general description will appear in the course description box. We encourage you to use the pre-populated course description, but you are welcome to edit it if you’d like.

Custom-built FAQs

Can I combine one student’s Custom-built resources?

Yes! Custom-built resources for one student can be combined across all Custom-built periods.

  • Example: John has a Custom-built Period 2 (Math) and a Custom-built Period 3 (Language Arts). He only needs a $100 Math book this year, so the remaining $150 from Period 2 can be used for approved Language Arts resources.

Can one student’s Custom-built resources be used for another’s resources?

No. A student's Custom-built resources can not be used for a sibling's resources.

  • Example: Bobby’s Custom-built resources cannot be used for Suzy’s curriculum.

What if multiple students use the same Custom-built curriculum?

If the same curriculum is used by and is included in the approved course descriptions for multiple students, you can split the cost of the curriculum. Just indicate directly on the receipts how you are dividing the cost and then include the receipts to as many Requests for Reimbursement as they apply.

Can we choose a Custom-built class for optional Period 7?

Yes! Keep in mind that a Custom-built class in optional Period 7 uses $250 of a student’s Technology Allowance ($125.00 for mid-year enrolled students).

Can I start a business as a Custom-built course?

Yes, a Custom-built Entrepreneurship course can be in Periods 5, 6, or 7. Please note that the focus of a Custom-built Entrepreneurship class must be on learning to start and operate a business (not on learning a specific skill that might one day become a business). Approved expenses could include costs related to setting up a business website, designing a logo, printing flyers, paying for permits or licenses, item production, etc.

Can I create my own Makerspace Custom-built course?

A Makerspace is an integrated, collaborative workspace at a dedicated facility for making, learning, exploring, and sharing through learning to use high-tech tools. A Makerspace represents the intersection of many different skills. Equipment typically includes, at a minimum, a collection of 3D printers, laser cutters, CNC machines, soldering irons, milling tools, and sewing machines for textiles. For this reason, an at-home Custom-built Makerspace is not approved for a student’s schedule.

What if a class on my schedule doesn’t meet every week?

If a class doesn’t meet weekly throughout the year, please supplement with activities at home. The student needs to indicate participation in each subject in the Weekly Learning Log.

Can I participate in multiple classes in one subject?

A student may participate in multiple classes per Period. For example, here’s an approved Custom-built course for P.E. (covering multiple sports that can happen anytime):

  • City rec Soccer from September to November and March to May

  • Basketball from November to February

  • Skiing from December to February

  • Track from March to May

Can I purchase a family membership?

Yes, we can provide reimbursement for memberships up to the basic family level. Amounts above the basic family level are not reimbursable.

Can I purchase a lifetime subscription?

Yes, you can purchase a lifetime subscription, and we can provide reimbursement for up to the cost of the corresponding annual subscription.

Can I buy art supplies for Periods 2, 3, 4, and/or 5?

Art supplies are limited to $25 per Custom-built non-Art period. Additional art supplies can be reimbursed with a Custom-built Art class or Technology Allowance funds.

Are theater tickets eligible for reimbursement?

Theater tickets can be reimbursed with a Custom-built Theater class or Technology Allowance funds.

Can I be reimbursed for photo or photo book printing?

Yes, you can be reimbursed up to $25 per Custom-built course. Additional printing costs can be reimbursed with Technology Allowance funds.

Can an admission ticket for a chaperone be reimbursed alongside a student ticket?

Yes, we can reimburse a ticket for one accompanying adult per family. Additional chaperone tickets are not reimbursable.

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