Before creating your student’s schedule, you must first declare if your child in grades 9-12 is diploma-seeking or non-diploma-seeking.
Students may opt to be non-diploma-seeking for greater flexibility in tailoring their curriculum to their interests and goals. It’s important to note that those who choose to be non-diploma-seeking will not earn credit toward a state-certified high school diploma from their School of Enrollment.
Non-diploma-seeking schedule options:
Non-diploma-seeking students can choose any combination of the following:
Custom-built courses
3rd Party Provider courses
OpenEd Direct courses (including up to two On-site Split Enrollment classes)
In addition to curriculum flexibility, students who choose a non-diploma-seeking path can take advantage of the Early College Credit options available through the OpenEd program.
Visit Article 4.4 to learn more about Early College Credit options.
Can my child get into a good college WITHOUT a high school diploma?
YES! You can contact any college your child may want to attend and ask, “What if my child does their schooling at home and doesn’t have a formal high school transcript? Can my student still attend your university?”
Most higher education institutions will provide a way, whether by reviewing a portfolio of work, requiring a high ACT or SAT score, or asking for a transcript of any early college credits earned by your student. We recommend contacting the universities your student is interested in to verify their entrance requirements.
Questions? Please see Article 4.5 Grades 9-12 FAQs (Utah) or submit a request to [email protected].