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3.4 State Testing and Assessment Resources (Utah)
3.4 State Testing and Assessment Resources (Utah)
Updated over 3 weeks ago
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All OpenEd students are required to participate in state tests. Before building your student's schedule, you will indicate your student’s testing preference.

Students are encouraged to use Homeroom Resources Study Island and Exact Path to prepare for state tests.

Important information about state testing:

  • The Acadience Reading and Math assessments are proctored online by a school-trained representative three times yearly (August/September, December/January, and April/May).

  • RISE ELA, Math, Science, and Writing assessments are administered in March/April on a secure browser and proctored online by a school-trained representative. Note that students taking a course via On-site Split Enrollment will be required to test in-person.

  • The Utah Aspire Plus assessment is administered in March/April on a computer and is proctored by a school-trained representative. Note that students taking a course via On-site Split Enrollment will be required to test in-person.

Assessment FAQs:


Participating in all three testing windows:

If my student participated in the Acadience testing at the beginning of the year, are we required to complete the remaining parts of this three-part assessment?

  • Although each School of Enrollment prefers that students participate in all three parts of the Acadience testing, you have the right to opt out even after you’ve taken the first part. Email [email protected] at any time to update your testing preferences.

Preparing for the test:

What are my options for the printed math pages if I do not have access to a printer?

  • When you complete the form to schedule your assessment, let us know that you will need to receive the file for the printed pages early to allow time to make printing arrangements. If it is for 1st grade, it is just the computation pages (math facts). It is acceptable to hand-write these questions on paper exactly as they appear on the page in place of printing them.

Using the results:

When and how do I receive the results?

  • After the testing window is closed, you will receive the results via email from [email protected].

What support is available for students below grade level in either reading or math?

  • If your student scores below grade level, you will receive an email from [email protected] with information about optional Progress Monitoring and additional available support. You can also use for recommendations from the OpenEd Assessment and Curriculum teams.


Scheduling the test:

Is it possible to split RISE testing across multiple days?

  • Yes, we now participate in online proctoring for Math, English/Language Arts, Science and Writing. This allows you to schedule your child over multiple days.

Using the results:

When and how do I receive the results?

  • After the testing window is closed, you will receive the results via email from [email protected].

How can this assessment help parents develop a personalized learning plan for their students?

  • Common uses for RISE results include:

    • Evaluating student learning, skill level growth, and academic achievements at the conclusion of an academic year.

    • Measuring whether the student is at grade level according to state standards.

    • Documenting strengths and weaknesses as part of a Special Education referral process.


Scheduling the test:

If my student cannot attend on the day the ACT is scheduled, can they participate on a different date?

  • OpenEd students in 11th grade are eligible to take the free ACT on the date offered by the state. If your student cannot attend on that date, you can arrange to privately pay for an alternate date at Fees associated with the ACT are reimbursable using Technology Allowance.

Preparing for the test:

Can my child participate in the test if they do not have a photo ID?

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